Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Organizations set many different types of goals.These goals are most commonly classified into two broad categories.a.level-wise(top,middle and operational), b.time-wise (short-term,medium-term, and long-term).

Organizations are generally divided into three levels-top,middle and bottom.Generally,organization goals are formulated at the top of the pyramid and filter down.In some cases,the reverse is also true.Based on this classification of organizational levels,four types of goals can identified.a.mission,b,strategic goals,c.tactical goals and operational goals.

MISSION-The organization;s mission describes the vision of its top leadership has of the organization;s purposed and philosophy.The organizations must fir ts visualizes what they aim to become.They develop and formulate inspiring statements of the core purposes of their work.These mission statements, thus,reflect the focus,image,philosophy, and aspirations of the organization.The mission projects the image of the organization.Organizational members identify themselves with the mission and share of pride and commitment.

STRATEGIC GOALS-Strategic goals are stated in general terms.They are developed in view of the mission of the organization.They outline overall organizations goals relating to different dimensions of their business like profit making,product development,resources allocation,human resource development,research priorities, and so on.These are therefore,organization set strategic goal.The board of directors and the top management of the organization set strategic goals.While setting such goals,they seek inputs from staff specialist and middle managers.Strategic goals,they seek inputs from staff specialists and middle managers.Strategic goals,thus,indicate the real in tensions of an organization.The executive management of an organization of an organization usually determines the strategic goals.These top leaders scan the external environment for opportunities or threats to the organization aim is to match internal strengths and weakness to changes in the external environment in order to create new opportunities.

TACTICAL OR INTERMEDIATE GOALS-Tactical or intermediate goals are set to translate the strategic goals into action.These goals involve the middle level managers.Compared with strategic goals,these goals have a some what shorter time span, and more specific and concrete focus .The focus of tactical goals is on how to ope rationalize actions necessary to achieve the strategic goals.

OPERATIONAL GOALS-Operational goals are set for lower-level management.The main concern here is with shorter term issues associated with intermediate or tactical goals.The supervisory level staff members are responsible for develop in and implementing operational goals that will meet the tactical goals.Activities and resources are assigned to individuals and groups to carry out some portion of the operational goals.The operational goals affect employees day to-day-activities.

Organizational goals are also set across different time span.It is a common practice divide goals into three time frames-long term,medium and short -term.Missions have infinite time horizon.Strategic goals are long term and cover many years,perhaps even decade.Intermediate or tactical goals are medium term and usually cover periods from one to five years.Operational goals are short term and have a time frame of one year or less.

Monday, July 19, 2010


An organizational goal is the end-point toward which activities are aimed.It is the target or end that managers want to reach.Goals provide direction and serve as a reference point.Goals are the raisin deter of an organization.In other words,goals are the reason for the existence of an organization.If an organizations fails to achieve its goal, it can be said that it has failed in its objectives.Thus, goals are critical to organizational success and effectiveness.

Organizations are purposive.They have specific goals to attain.In the process of attaining these goals,they mobilize various resources-human as well as non-human (financial,physical,technical,etc.) available to them.Organizational goals, in fact,provide an idea about the character,in tensions,activities, and behaviour of an organization. The nature of goals differs from organization to organization. A business enterprises wants to make a profit or to increase its market share,or to attain higher ethical standards in the conduct of all its affairs.A social organization like a university, in contrasts, may have an objective of increasing access to higher education,or provide relevant and quality education to students in given fields of study.A non-profit hospital aims at improving community health or patient care through mobile camps.These are only the general statements about the in tensions of these organizations.The goals are more precise,specific,measurable, and focused statements.They should state clearly what is to improved changed,reduced, or maintained.

Some organizational theorist distinguish between goals and objectives.Some equate objectives with the mission.Others consider objectives are sub-goals to achieving goals.However,managers use these terms interchangeably.A goal or an objective is considered as a specific commitment to achieve desired results within a given time frame.

Organizational goals are as far as possible,expressed in quantitative measurable, and concrete terms desired to be achieved within a given time period.Goals are firm commitments of the organization to accomplish something specific.Organizations direct their scarce resources and energies into area that will help them to attain their goals.To motivate efforts goals should be linked to reward.An organization may have multiple goals to pursue in a given period of time.When organizations have such multiple goals to attain within limited time,financial and material resources,priorities are fixed.Most crucial and urgent goals are given top priorities.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Organizations are of various typed.They can be classified on different bases.However, the most common clasifications of organizations is based on thier natur e and purpose.Blau and Scot(1964) have given a classification of organizations which they call "who benefits typology.This typology is specifically, concerned with the nature of outpuy from an organizations>four type's of organizations are distinguished a.business organizations,b.nonprofit service organizations,c.mutual-benefit organizations, and d.commonweal organizations.Each of these typed of organizations has a different group of beneficaries.
Blau and Scott used this typology in-order to suggest that special problems are associated with each type of organizations.These problems have to be met by specific organizational forms and strategies.Organizations are mostly concerned with the problem of efficient rennin g in relationship to changing markets and effectiveness.


B BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS-Business organizations are economic entities established for the purpose of making economic gains.They are of avaricious types, Surya Nepal Company,Everest Brewer company, Bottlers Nepal,Standard Chartered Bank,Udaypur Cement Factory,Buddha Airways,Hotel Himalaya are examples of business organization.Although Their nature is different,their purpose is to make profit to survive and grow.The prime beneficiaries of business organizations are their owners or shareholders.

NONPROFIT SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS-Many organizations are formed not for profit making but for providing services to the clients of the community.For examples,Tribhuvan University,Bir Hospital,Family Planning Association of Nepal, And CRS Company are nonprofit service organizations.They provide specific services to some segment of the society Such organizations run on small fees,donations,grants,endowments, and the like.The prime beneficiaries of nonprofit services organizations are the clients and the communities.

MUTUAL-BENEFIT ORGANIZATIONS-The examples of mutual-benefits organizations are labour unions,trade,associations,teachers associations,chambers of commerce,community clubs and the like .Individuals join these organizations to satisfy their needs for affiliation,associations and security.Membership is , therefore, the strength of these organizations.These organizations are compels to mange.membership dissatisfaction is the biggest threat to these organizations.It members needs are not full filed,they quit their membership.These organizations are also conflict-prone.Therefore, the failure rate is higher in these organization.The prime beneficiaries of mutual-benefit organization are the members.

COMMONWEAL ORGANIZATIONS-Common organizations are basically services organizations.They are created to provide standard.Services to large segment of the population.There is no profit motive behind the formation of these organizations .The common of weal of the organization are postal services,police departments,army units, and other public agencies.The prime beneficiaries of commonweal organization are the general public.


The definitions given above indicated that organizations have certain common characteristics.The most common characteristics of an organization, which emerge from the definitions, are as follows.

SOCIAL INTERACTION-An organization cons its of people.They interact with each other while at work.This interaction among organizational members leads to the development of network.This interaction among organizational members leads to the development of network of social relations in work places.The smooth running of an organization depends much on the mutual understanding, and the cooperation's and support of the members to one another.

SHARED GOALS OR PURPOSES-An organization has its own definite goals or purpose to attain.Without shared goals,people rarely come together and establish a definite pattern of interacting.Therefore, goal orientation blinds the organizational members together and motivated them to work toward the attainment of the stated goals.

DIVISION OF WORK-Division of work means dividing large tasks into smaller packages of work to be handled by one person.Sometimes, a combined effort of man and machine performs a task.In specific cases, a group of persons are assigned a task.An organization, thus , brings different people together into a network of interactions to perform different tasks.Educational qualification,physical and mental abilities,experiences,skills etc. are the bases of allocating tasks among members.The nature and complexity of tasks determine the rank and status of organizational members.For efficiency,organizations typically divide the functions to enable the members to specialize in one two areas.Greater division of work and separation are to found in more complex organizations.

COORDINATION OF EFFORTS-The divided tasks performed by individuals Neds to be linked together to keep the activities of each division goals focused.This is accomplished by coordination.Coordination is basically a process of linking the activities of the various units of the organization.uncoordinated tasks may not be goal focused.

HIERARCHY OF AUTHOR TY-The jobs to be performed in an organizations are arranged in ladder hierarchy.The bases of the hierarchy construction are job responsibility and accountability,skill demand of the job,and complexity of the job.Higher level jobs are more demanding in terms of responsibility, skill and work experiences. Thus a chain of command is put into place to oversee the work of lower level jobs.A clear hierarchy of authority makes direction,supervision and coordination easier and more effective.

SOCIAL CONTROL-Organizations maintain their control over the behaviour of their members and regulate their activities.They make use of various rules,norms, and standard to ensure acceptable conduct and behaviour of the members may contribute to the process of disorganization's.

On the basis of the definitions and the features of organization given above, we can make important points about characteristics of organizations.

-Organizations are human creations.
-Fundamentally, organizations con sit of people, rather than building, equipment, machinery,etc.
-The term "organization" is used in a general sense.It is not restricted to industrial or commercial firms.Educational and medical institutions , social clubs, and wide range of other organized human activities are forms of organizations.
-People within organizations must be working to common goals and coordinate their activities to this end.

-Although relationships between people are determined according to a certain formal structure,informal groups also exists in organizations.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The term "organization" derives from the word org anon meaning a "tool" or an 'instrument".A good tool or instrument is one which has precision,efficiency,reliability and predictability built into it.These features of a good tool or instrument are also present in the functioning of an organization.An organization is built around systems,polices,procedures and technology.Ab organization is built around systems,policies and reliability of performances.
The nature of organizations and the behaviour of the people who create them and work in them are very compels.Hence, any brief definition cannot be perfect.However, these definitions provide a useful starting-point for an examination of organizations.The above definition have many similarities .Differences lie only in their emphasis .Thus,many common elements are found in these definitions.The following are the basic elements in the forefront of these definitions.

-Organizations have started goals or purposes.
-Organizational resources including people are mobilized to attain these goals.
-Organizations coordinate,communicate and plan the activities of their members in the pursuit of these goals.
-The cortical role of management is to ensure organizational survival and effectiveness.
The above discussion on the definition of organizations leads us to the conclusion that organizations have stated goals,communication networks and other coordinating systems.The people who are involved in organizational tasks are willing to cooperate with another to meet the organizational goals.


An organization is formed whenever people join hands to accomplish some tasks.It is therefore,purposive in nature.It has some specific tasks to accomplish.A family, a community club,a school, a factory, a municipality, a hospital are all examples of an organization.Their,survival,effectiveness, and popularity depend on their effective performances of the function for when they are created.Organization make possible the complies activities.For instance , a well-organized team of players can defeat an unorganized group of people playing football.A very small number of civil servants can manage the activities of the government an the nation.A group of police force can handle the riots.A small group of man ages can run large business enterprises efficiently.All this is possible because of organization.
Organization are the integral part of modern societies.We find organizations in every of modern life.In one-way of the other,we are also a part of these organizations.we live and work through these organizations.Our also a part of these organizations.We live and work through these organizations.Our desires and aspiration are being satisfied through these organization.Hence,knowingly or unknowingly, all of us are associated is some way organizations of some sort and therefore, have first-hand experience of organizational life.

Organizations are thus,not new to us.They have been in existence from the very beginning of human civilization.Whenever collective human efforts were required to accomplish some task, organizations were formed.Even in their earliest forms, the organizations had their own structures and hierarchies.People performed different tasks, they had different roles and different level of authority.They were being coordinated and directed by someone.Today, we call them mangers.The modern organizations are, thus, the improved, more formal and sophisticated forms of those traditional organization.